APA: Bitannica. Animals. (2010). Publications International.
Genre: Science, Non-fiction
Summary: Another really great informational text covering the animal kingdom. This book, again from the Encyclopedia Britannica covers a broad range of things in the animal kingdom. Everything from spiders, to the rule of the dinosaurs millions of years ago are covered in this text. The book is broken down into different categorizations such as insects, mammals, vertebrates and invertebrates, and the rest of the animals either living, or once living.
Target Audience: With this being an informational text, this book appeals to a much wider range of audiences than just a couple of different ages or grade levels. I believe that it would be appropriate to say that the target audience for this text would be anywhere from 1st grade to any highschool level. (1st-12th)
Blog Requirements: Informational Text, Middle School Readers
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