Saturday, November 21, 2020


 APA: Dorros, A., Dorros, S. M., & Kleven, E. I. (1995). Abuela. Dutton Children's Books.

Genre: Fiction

Summary: This beautiful story is all about the adventures that a girl has with her grandmother, or Abuela as it is in Spanish. The story has them travelling from a park to the skies with birds, and all the way across the country. The story uses great back and forths between the English words and their Spanish counterparts. 

Target Audience: The target audience for this text would most likely be a younger audience such as 2-5th grade. Since the book is considered a bilingual book it is also good for children that are in the process of learning English as a second language or vica-versa.

Blog Requirements: Bilingual book, Picture Book's,like%20if%20we%20could%20fly.

Discovering Titanic

 APA: Hubbard, B. (2018). Discovering Titanic: Searching for the stories behind the shipwreck. Carlton Kids.

Genre: Non-Fiction

Summary: This book is a purely informational text designed to teach the modern generations about both the magnificence of the titanic as well as the tragic end to its short lived journey. This book is jam packed with details such as the sort of furniture that was aboard, the sort of jewels that the average passenger kept on them, and even covered the demands of the several furnaces and steam powered engines that propelled the ship in the water. 

Target Audience: Considering that this book is an informational text, any grade ranges from 1st all the way to 8th I believe are the target audiences. 

Blog Requirements: Informational Text, Middle School Readers, Written in the last 4 years


 APA: Britannica. Space. (2010). Publications International.

Genre: Science, Non-fiction

Summary: This book is another informational text from the Encyclopedia Britannica in which space has become the primary informational topic. The book starts by describing the usage of satellites and interstellar probes that have expanded human knowledge on space and the ever-expanding universe. These satellites are shown in detail, accompanied by some of the brightest minds responsible for some of their early creation. The book continues on with talking about space exploration and more specifically, our expedition to Earth’s moon, our natural satellite. Continuing further, the book gives giant visuals of the rocket(s) that took the astronauts to the moon for the first time, as well as the training that the astronauts had to endure.

Target Audience: As another amazing information text from the Encyclopedia Britannica, this book is easily aimed at a vast amount of people, and no one specific audience. Those who may enjoy this book more may be the younger ranges such as 1st through 5th, but this book is very easily understood and enjoyed by any of the ranges far above that initial assumption. (i.e. 1st-12th)

Blog Requirements: Informational Text, Middle School Readers 

Under the Sea

 APA:Britannica. Under the sea. (2010). Publications International.

Genre: Science, Non-fiction

Summary: This informational text from Encyclopedia Britannica gives an in-depth view of life under the sea. This information on sea life starts with the ecosystems and life-forms that were present over 600 million years ago and how they thrived and survived. The book continues to tell how temperature and overall water changes gave to the rise of aquatic plants in this early period. The book goes on to say how life began in the sea with the beginning of evolution starting here in the vast waters before any animals were able to be on land. The next few pages begin to show the structure and details regarding different sea creatures such as what we know as the starfish and sea anemone. The next few pages continues this trend as it describes sea creature after sea creature as well as any other details for their lifespans and structure. 

Target Audience: Considering that this is another Encyclopedia Britannica book, I would say that the target audience is not necessarily restricted to any one narrow range. This book may be better understood and enjoyed by different ages, but this book can very easily be picked up and aimed at anyone from 1st-12th grade and very easily beyond that.

Blog Requirements: Informational Text,The%20Encyclopaedia%20Britannica%20Interactive%20Science%20Book%3A%20Under%20the%20Sea%20is,%2C%20reptiles%2C%20and%20water%20mammals.

Friday, November 20, 2020


APA: Bitannica. Animals. (2010). Publications International.

Genre: Science, Non-fiction

Summary: Another really great informational text covering the animal kingdom. This book, again from the Encyclopedia Britannica covers a broad range of things in the animal kingdom. Everything from spiders, to the rule of the dinosaurs millions of years ago are covered in this text. The book is broken down into different categorizations such as insects, mammals, vertebrates and invertebrates, and the rest of the animals either living, or once living. 

Target Audience: With this being an informational text, this book appeals to a much wider range of audiences than just a couple of different ages or grade levels. I believe that it would be appropriate to say that the target audience for this text would be anywhere from 1st grade to any highschool level. (1st-12th) 

Blog Requirements: Informational Text, Middle School Readers

Saturday, November 7, 2020

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

 APA: Kinney, Jeff. Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Amulet Books, 2007.

Genre: Diary Fiction

Summary: This story seems to start like any other middle school adventure; “Normal”. The book begins with the start of middle school for a couple of boys who don’t quite feel like they fit in. To spite this feeling, they join wrestling in order to seem cool but are immediately pushed away by a loss to someone even dorkier than themselves. Regardless of their attempts to be “cool”, the boys are still constantly bullied throughout the book, no matter what they do. On top of these concerns, the boys experience conflicts between each other, ones specially of trust and friendship. More fights ensue and the boys are brought back together by the realization that friendship is what is truly important in this turbulent environment known as middle school. 

Target Audience: I believe the target audience here would be grades 2nd Grade through 5th Grade. The target audience would be the best to enjoy this book since the book covers the transition into the “scary” territory of Middle school. This audience would feel related to and be given some positive messages about friendship after the story has finished.

Blog Requirements: Graphic Novel, Middle School Readers

Grace for President

APA: DiPucchio, K. S., & Pham, L. (2012). Grace for President. Hyperion Books for Children.

Genre: Fiction, Picture Book, Children’s Literature 

Summary: This book is a great, young reader’s example of what it is to be a part of an election. The story starts out with Grace’s teacher suggesting a fun activity between her class and another class; a mock election process to determine president between the two classes. Grace is nervous but extremely upbeat and energetic towards the election. The book does a great job showing the sort of struggles that can occur even during what is supposed to be a fun activity. Instead of a simple vote-and-done election, Grace campaigns and at the end, only wins by 1 vote. This election, which was initially scary since Grace had to go up against a student in the other class that the students seemed to like far more, turned out in Grace’s favor due to her charismatic and caring nature. 

Target Audience: I feel the target audience is between the grade levels of 1st and 2nd grade. Grace for president would best be enjoyed by the target audience because it shows what a friendly and welcoming classroom is like at that age and may help those younger students feel better about going and being in school. They may also enjoy this book because it gives students hope about what they are capable of doing, despite not having many achievements under their belt. 

Blog Requirements: Picture Book and Diverse Protagonist

The Day You Begin

 APA: Woodson, J., & López, R. (2018). The day you begin. CNIB.

Genre: Fiction

Summary: This book follows the idea within a young student’s life of feeling left out or misunderstood. It begins with one student but switches between different students in the classroom that are all different in their own ways. The book brings about a tone, after explaining the differences that may occur in the classroom, a tone of hopefulness that encourages you to be the best you that you can be. The book, near the end, is very positive about the fact that you may not be similar to others, but encourages you to be loud and proud about who you are even if others do not understand you, or even if you do not have the same kind of exciting travels as others do. 

Target Audience: I believe this book's target audience will be good for the ages 5-8. As for the audience that would best enjoy this book, I would have to say that the older students in this range would better enjoy the book because they may understand the message within the book.

Blog Requirements: Diverse Protagonist, Written in the Past 4 Years, Picture Book

Curious George Visits the Library

 APA: Ray, H.A., & Weston, M. (2003). Curious George Visits the Library.

Genre: Fiction

Summary: The curious George adventure in this book begins much like his others; he sees something he likes and pursues it to a hilarious extent. At the library, Curious George sits in at a librarian reading session and enjoys it very much, so much that he takes the next book in the reading with him to read at home instead. After taking this book from the librarian’s pile, Curious George gets carried away around the library and begins scooping up all sorts of books all around the library that catch his attention. Near the end of this book, George is shown that with a library card, he is able to take whichever of his favorites he wants home with him.

Target Audience: I believe that the target audience for this book is the grades of preschool through 3rd grade. I believe that the audience to enjoy this book the most would be children that are a little younger in that audience range as the antics of George are very wacky and goofy; something that the younger children may cling to a little more than the older grades.

Blog Requirements: Picture Book,the%20library%20for%20more%20books.&text=Curious%20George%20Visits%20the%20Library%20by%20Margaret,Rey%20is%20a%20picture%20book.

Pete the Cat 12 Groovy Days of Christmas

 APA: Dean, K., & Dean, J. (2018). Pete the Cat 12 Days of Christmas. Harper.

Genre: Fiction

Summary: This book takes the original ‘12 Days of Christmas’ and puts a Pete the Cat twist on them. Throughout the story, Pete is going through each of the traditional 12 days of Christmas and instead of regular gifts, some gifts that he gives his friends are a little out of the ordinary. These gifts follow a similar theme but go to the length of ‘Onion Rings’ instead of gold rings, and Surfboards as well as other wacky items. 

Target Audience: The target audience for this book I would picture it for the ages between 4 and 8 years old. The ages will correspond with the grade levels kindergarten through 3rd grade. This book is one of many Pete the Cat books, so if a child finds an interest, they will be able to continue with the series.

Blog Requirements: Written in the Last 4 Years (2018)

Pete the Cat's 12 Groovy Days of Christmas

The New Kid

  APA: Craft, J. (2019). New kid . HarperCollins. Genre: Fiction, Graphic Novel Summary: Jordan is starting a new school, Riverdale Academy ...